This book Garden of Friendship is full of beautiful Kinkade paintings and inspirational friendship quotes by an eclectic group of authors including a few by Thomas Kinkade. As the book boasts...."The deeply cherished value of friendship is embraced throughout the luminous craftsmanship of word and painting." Below is just a sampling of the quotes you will find nestled among the beautiful paintings in Garden of Friendship:

A single rose can be my garden...a single friend my world....Leo Buscaglia.

I intentionally seek out companions who enjoy good conversation and positive activities; people who, like me, believe that life still offers a lot to be hopeful about and that many of the problems in the world are fixable....Thomas Kinkade.

Promises may get friends, but it is performance that must nurse and keep them....Owen Feltham.

My only sketch, profile, of Heaven is a large blue sky, and larger than the biggest I have seen in June--and in it are my friends--every one of them....Emily Dickinson.

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...It has no survival value, rather it is one of those things that give value to survival....C.S. Lewis.

Giving is a joy if we do it in the right spirit. It all depends on whether we think of it as "What can I spare?" or as "What can I share?"....Esther Burkholder.

Cherish your human connections; your relationships with your family and friends....Barbara Bush.

Sorrow is like a precious treasure, shown only to friends....African Proverb.

I didn't find my friends; the good Lord gave them to me....Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having to neither weigh thoughts nor measure words....George Elliot.

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