November 17, 2004

Anyone who wants to understand me must first understand
Russell, Kansas. It is my home, where my roots lie, and
a constant source of strength. My father's view of the
world as "stewers versus doers" registered early. From
my neighbors, I learned to feel deeply for God, country
and family. In Russell, I came to understand there are
things worth living for, and, if need be, dying for.
The Russell of my youth was not a place of wealth. Yet
it was generous with the values that would shape my
outlook and the compassion that would restore life's
richness after I had begun to doubt my future following
the war. Ever since, I have tried in my own way to give
back some of what the town has given me. I have tried
to defend and serve the America I learned to love in Russell.
~Bob Dole~


song playing....Saturday in the Park


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