Sara Paddison

Being vulnerable doesn't 
have to be threatening. 
Just have the courage 
to be sincere, open and honest. 
This opens the door to 
deeper communication all around. 
It creates self-empowerment 
and the kind of connections 
with others we all want in life. 
Speaking from the heart 
frees us from the secrets 
that burden us. These secrets 
are what make us sick or fearful. 
Speaking truth helps you get clarity 
on your real heart directives.
~Sara Paddison~

Douglas Pagels

A friend is one of the nicest things
you can have, and one of the best things
you can be.
~Douglas Pagels~

Thomas Paine

I love the man that can smile in trouble,
that can gather strength from distress,
and grow brave by reflection.
'Tis the business of little minds to shrink,
but he whose heart is firm,
and whose conscience approves his conduct,
will pursue his principles unto death.
~Thomas Paine~

He who would make his own liberty secure 
must guard even his enemy from oppression; 
for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent 
that will reach to himself. 
~Thomas Paine~ 

These are the times that try men's souls. 
The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, 
in the crisis, shrink from the service of their country; 
but he that stands now, 
deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. 
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; 
yet we have this consolation with us, 
that the harder the conflict, 
the more glorious the triumph. 
What we obtain too cheap, 
we esteem too lightly; 
'tis dearness only that gives everything it's value. 
Heaven knows how to put a proper price on it's goods; 
and it would be strange indeed, 
if so celestial an article as freedom 
should not be highly rated. 
~Thomas Paine~ 

Mal Pancoast

Telling someone the truth is
a loving act.
~Mal Pancoast~

Sun-Young Park

It is raining still... 
Maybe it is not one of those showers 
that is here one minute and gone the next, 
as I had so boldly assumed. 
Maybe none of them are. 
After all, life in itself is a chain of rainy days. 
But there are times when not all of us 
have umbrellas to walk under. 
Those are the times when we need people 
who are willing to lend their umbrellas 
to a wet stranger on a rainy day. 
I think I'll go for a walk with my umbrella. 
~Sun-Young Park~ 

Robert H. Parker

It is not the function of the government
to keep the citizen from falling into error;
it is the function of the citizen
to keep the government from falling into error.
~Robert H. Parker~

Seth Parker

You may not have saved a lot of money in your life, 
but if you have saved a lot of heartaches for other folks, 
you are a pretty rich man. 
~Seth Parker~ 

William Parks

Christmas is not just a day, 
an event to be observed and speedily forgotten. 
It is a spirit which should permeate 
every part of our lives. 
~William Parks~ 

Ross Parmenter

The need for devotion to something outside ourselves 
is even more profound than the need for companionship. 
If we are not to go to pieces or wither away, 
we must have some purpose in life; 
for no man can live for himself alone. 
~Ross Parmenter~ 

Dolly Parton

Laughter through tears
is my favorite emotion.
~Dolly Parton~

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, 
you gotta put up with the rain. 
~Dolly Parton~ 

Blaise Pascal

I have made this letter longer than usual
because I lack the time to make it short.
~Blaise Pascal~

Faith is different from proof; 
the latter is human, 
the former is a Gift from God. 
~Blaise Pascal~ 

Alan Stewart Paton

The secret of discipline is motivation. 
When a man is sufficiently motivated, 
discipline will take care of itself. 
~Sir Alexander Paterson~ 

Alan Stewart Paton

To give up the task of reforming society 
is to give up one's responsibility as a free man. 
~Alan Stewart Paton~

General George S. Patton

Accept the challenges so that
you can feel the exhilaration of victory.
~General George S. Patton~

If you tell people where to go,
but not how to get there,
you'll be amazed at the results.
~General George S. Patton~

There is a time to take counsel
of your fears, and there is a time
to never listen to any fear.
~General George S. Patton~

Take calculated risks. 
That is quite different from being rash. 
~General George S. Patton~

The object of war 
is not to die for your country 
but to make the other bastard die for his. 
~General George S. Patton~

There's a great deal of talk about loyalty 
from the bottom to the top. 
Loyalty from the top down is 
even more necessary and is 
much less prevalent. 
One of the most frequently noted 
characteristics of great men who 
have remained great 
is loyalty to their subordinates. 
~General George S. Patton~

Norman Vincent Peale

Any fact facing us is not as important
as our attitude toward it, for that determines
our success or failure. The way you think
about a fact may defeat you before you ever
do anything about it. You are overcome
by the fact because you think you are.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Change your thoughts
and you change your world.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Empty pockets
never held anyone back.
Only empty heads and
empty hearts can do that.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Become a possibilitarian.
No matter how dark things seem to be
or actually are, raise your sights
and see the possibilities--
always see them,
for they're always there.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Happiness consists not in having,
but of being, not of possessing,
but of enjoying. It is the warm glow
of a heart at peace with itself.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Life is not all fun and easy going.
Far from it; there are many rough times.
But, sadly, we too often let the hard times
dull our enthusiasm. And that is dangerous,
if not fatal, to our lives.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Silence fertilizes the deep place
where personality grows.
A life with a peaceful center
can weather all storms.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Joy increases as you give it, 
and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself.
In giving it, 
you will accumulate a deposit of joy 
greater than you ever believed possible.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Faith supplies staying power.
... Anyone can keep going when the going is good,
but some extra ingredient is needed
to keep you fighting when it seems that everything
is against you.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

Never say anything to hurt anyone.
Moreover . . . refrain from double talk,
from shrewd and canny remarks that
are designed to advance our interests
at someone's disadvantage.
We are to turn our back upon evil,
and in every way possible,
do good, help people and
bring blessings into their lives.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

One of the greatest moments in anybody's
developing experience is when he no longer
tries to hide from himself but determines
to get acquainted with himself
as he really is.
~Norman Vincent Peale~

The mind, properly controlled, 
can do just about everything. 
You can think your way through adversity, 
you can think your way through problems. 
It is a superpowerful instrument 
which so few use to maximum. 
And if the mind thinks with a believing attitude 
one can do amazing things. 
~Norman Vincent Peale~ 

Donald Culross Peattie

What is a weed?
I have heard it said
that there are sixty definitions.
For me, a weed is a plant
out of place.
~Donald Culross Peattie~

Kathleen Pedersen

Unless your heart, your soul, 
and your whole being are behind every decision you make, 
the words from your mouth will be empty, 
and each action will be meaningless. 
Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness. 
~Kathleen Pedersen~ 

Charles Peguy

A word is not the same
with one writer as with another.
One tears it from his guts.
The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket.
~Charles Peguy~

William Penn

I expect to pass through this world but once. 
Any good therefore that I can do, 
or any kindness or abilities that 
I can show to any fellow creature, 
let me do it now.
Let me not defer it or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.
~William Penn~

True silence is the rest of the mind, 
and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, 
nourishment and refreshment.
~William Penn~

Wilfred Peterson

The art of being yourself at your best 
is the art of unfolding your personality 
into the person you want to be. 
Be gentle with yourself, 
learn to love yourself, 
to forgive yourself, 
for only as we have the right attitude 
toward ourselves can we have the right 
attitude toward others. 
~Wilfred Peterson~

Agnes M. Pharo

What is Christmas? 
It is tenderness for the past, 
courage for the present, 
hope for the future. 
It is a fervent wish 
that every cup may overflow 
with blessings rich and eternal, 
and that every path may lead to peace. 
~Agnes M. Pharo~

J. B. Phillips

If words are to enter men's minds and bear fruit, 
they must be the right words shaped cunningly 
to pass men's defenses and explode 
silently and effectually within their minds. 
~J. B. Phillips~ 

Pablo Picasso

Only put off until tomorrow 
what you are willing to die having left undone. 
~Pablo Picasso~ 

Albert Pine

What we do for ourselves dies with us. 
What we do for others and the world 
remains and is immortal. 
~Albert Pine~ 

Katherine Piper

The real judges of your character aren't your neighbors, 
your relatives, or even the people you play bridge with. 
The folks who really know you are 
waiters, waitresses, and clerks. 
~Katherine Piper~ 


One of the penalties for refusing to participate
in politics is that you end up being governed
by your inferiors.

Those who are too smart 
to engage in politics are punished
by being governed by those who are dumber.

Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.

No one knows whether death
is really the greatest blessing
a man can have, but they fear
it is the greatest curse,
as if they knew well.

Good people do not need laws 
to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws.

You can discover more about a person 
in an hour of play
than in a year of conversation.

The madness of love is the greatest of heaven's blessings.

When men speak ill of thee,
live so as nobody may believe them.

The first and the best victory
is to conquer self.

If all our misfortunes were laid 
in one common heap whence 
everyone must take an equal portion, 
most people would be contented 
to take their own and depart.

For a man to conquer himself 
is the first and noblest of all victories. 

Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, 
but the spirit of reverence, 

The beginning is the most important part of any work, 
especially in the case of a young and tender thing; 
for that is the time at which the character 
is being formed and the desired impression more readily taken. 

We can easily forgive a child 
who is afraid of the dark 
the real tragedy of life is 
when men are afraid of the light. 

Norbet Platt

The act of putting pen to paper
encourages pause for thought,
this in turn makes us think
more deeply about life,
which helps us regain our equilibrium.
~Norbet Platt~


Nothing but heaven itself
is better than a friend
who is really a friend.


Beauty addresses itself chiefly to sight, 
but there is a beauty for the hearing too, 
as in certain combinations so words 
and in all kinds of music; 
for melodies and cadences are beautiful; 
and minds that lift themselves 
above the realm of sense to a higher order 
are aware of beauty in the conduct of life, 
in actions, in character, in the pursuits of the intellect; 
and there is the beauty of the virtues. 


No man ever wetted clay and then left it, 
as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune. 

The mind is not a vessel to be filled 
but a fire to be kindled. 

Letty Cottin Pogrebin

If the family were a fruit, 
it would be an orange, 
a circle of sections, 
held together but separable - 
each segment distinct. 
~Letty Cottin Pogrebin~

Arthur Polotnik

You write to communicate
to the hearts and minds of others
what's burning inside you.
And we edit
to let the fire show through the smoke.
~Arthur Polotnik~

William Pollard

It is not always what we know or analyzed before 
we make a decision that makes it a great decision. 
It is what we do after we make the decision 
to implement and execute it 
that makes it a good decision. 
~William Pollard~ 

Pope Gregory I

Be not anxious about what you have, 
but about what you are. 
~Pope Gregory I~ 

Pope John XXIII

Consult not your fears 
but your hopes and your dreams. 
Think not about your frustrations, 
but about your unfulfilled potential. 
Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, 
but with what it is still possible for you to do. 
~Pope John XXIII~ 

John Porter

People underestimate their capacity for change. 
There is never a right time to do a difficult thing. 
A leader's job is to help people have vision 
of their potential. 
~John Porter~

Vince Poscente

Interestingly, koi, when put in a fish bowl, 
will only grow up to three inches. 
When this same fish is placed in a large tank, 
it will grow to about nine inches long. 
In a pond koi can reach lengths of eighteen inches. 
Amazingly, when placed in a lake, 
koi can grow to three feet long. 
The metaphor is obvious. 
You are limited by how you see the world. 
~Vince Poscente~ 

Emily Post

Manners are a sensitive awareness
of the feelings of others.
If you have that awareness,
you have good manners,
no matter which fork you use.
~Emily Post~

Lynn Povich

Change is often rejuvenating, invigoration, fun ... 
and necessary. 
~Lynn Povich~ 

Colin Powell

There are no secrets to success. 
It is the result of preparation, hard work, 
and learning from failure. 
~Colin Powell~ 

Lawrence Clark Powell

The good writer,
the great writer,
has what I have called the three S's:
the power to see, to sense, and to say.
That is, he is perceptive, he is feeling,
and he has the power to express in language
what he observes and reacts to.
~Lawrence Clark Powell~

A book is one of the most patient 
of all man's inventions. 
Centuries mean nothing to a well-made book. 
It awaits its destined reader, 
come when he may, 
with eager hand and seeing eye. 
Then occurs one of the great examples of union, 
that of a man with a book, pleasurable, 
sometimes fruitful, potentially world-changing, simple; 
and in a public library...without cost to the reader. 
~Lawrence Clark Powell~

Write to be understood, 
speak to be heard, 
read to grow...
~Lawrence Clark Powell~

Hugh Prather

Almost any difficulty will move 
in the face of honesty. 
When I am honest I never feel stupid. 
And when I am honest I am automatically humble. 
~Hugh Prather ~

Herb Prochnow

You may be sorry that you spoke,
sorry you stayed or went,
sorry you won or lost,
sorry so much was spent.
But as you go through life, you'll find--
you're never sorry you were kind. 
~Herb Prochnow~ 

Marcel Proust

The voyage of discovery
is not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes.
~Marcel Proust~

Happiness is beneficial for the body
but it is grief that develops
the powers of the mind.
~Marcel Proust~

Let us be grateful to people
who make us happy,
they are the charming gardeners
who make our souls blossom.
~Marcel Proust~

Like everybody who is not in love,
he thought one chose the person
to be loved after
endless deliberations
and on the basis of particular
qualities or advantages.
~Marcel Proust~

Joseph Pulitzer

Put it before them briefly so they will read it, 
clearly so they will appreciate it, 
picturesquely so they will remember it and, 
above all, accurately 
so they will be guided by its light. 
~Joseph Pulitzer~ 

W. T. Purkiser

Not what we say about our blessings,
but how we use them,
is the true measure of our thanksgiving.
~W. T. Purkiser~

Nathan M. Pusey

The teacher's task is not to implant facts 
but to place the subject to be learned 
in front of the learner and, through 
sympathy, emotion, imagination and patience, 
to awaken in the learner the restless drive 
for answers and insights which enlarge 
the personal life and give it meaning. 
~Nathan M. Pusey~

song playing....The Tracks of My Tears


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