This is my youngest niece, Ashton Rose. Yes, she has what is traditionally a guy's name, but she is definitely all girl. When you look at Ashton, she seems very dainty and delicate, like a rose.  Once you get to know her, you see that she is very strong. She loves to quietly do things. She just wanders around picking up the things that other children have discarded. She will pick up the forgotten toy, and examine it with a look that seems to be trying to decide why the other child no longer wants it. Sometimes she will just look at it, lay it back down where she found it, and continue on her journey of exploration. She wears a look that seems to question why people are doing what they are doing!! If she only knew we are all just as baffled as she is!! She's very shy, and dips her head when someone tries to talk to her. She has the sweetest habit of pulling her hair, as she dips her head.


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