Hi! I'm Ashton. I am the little sister and baby of the family. It's a pretty good combination to be the only girl and the baby!! I like Winnie the Pooh....and Tigger, too. I love taking things out of crates, and putting them back in. Whenever I do things, I like to do them on my own. It's not like I don't trust other people or anything. I just like to know why I am doing whatever it is, and how to do it myself. I guess I am pretty independent, but not too adventurous. I like to be with other people, but I don't like to be the center of attention. Normally, I don't have to worry about that, if my brother is around.  He is always the center of attention. That is a really good thing, because then people aren't always ooing and ahhing over me!!!

Ashton Loves Tigger


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