This is my niece, Noah Danielle. She is a very special baby. Her Mommy had lots of serious problems as she carried her, but by the grace of God.... she was born just fine. Whether a coincidence or not, she was born on her Mommy's birthday.  It became a very special day for all of us. Noah is an unusual name for a girl, but just a little bit of Bible is actually in the Bible as a girls name. Noah is so sweet and happy. She isn't always laughing....she is just happy in a content way. As long as her basic needs are met, she doesn't demand attention.  You could say that at 1 1/2, she actually likes her space!!! She loves Veggie Tales. In this picture, she is watching a Veggie Tales tape. As you can see, she is absolutely mesmerized by the little singing and dancing vegetables that are praising God. I am convinced she could watch the same Veggie Tales tape all day everyday....FOREVER....and never get bored!!! But her Daddy is actually considering limiting her Veggie Tale viewing time!!!! Can you imagine ever getting too much of a good thing? I didn't think it was possible!!! One day, I'm sure Daddy will be counting his blessings for all the wonderful lessons Noah has learned from her Veggie Tale videos.


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