This is Levi Micah. Levi is my only nephew, and the first one responsible for making me an aunt. It was a very special day for me when he was born.  Until that day, I don't think I had ever realized how much children depend on us. I was at the hospital when he was born, and they let me hold him when he was only a few moments old. I remember thinking that he was totally dependent upon others. That made me think of what a special responsibility I had as his aunt....he might need me one day. It was so easy to spoil Levi, since he was the first nephew or niece, but thankfully he has such a great personality that he isn't spoiled too much!!! He just seems to take everything in stride. It doesn't take anything to entertain him. He likes to do anything. He's so easy to please. You can play ball with him, or watch a movie.  He just likes to be with people. As brave as he is, he does like to keep his feet both firmly on the ground. If you want to get attention....just take Levi with you. He makes friends everywhere he goes....I am convinced he has never met a stranger. 



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