Hi!! I'm Levi. I am the big brother in my family, which means I am supposed to keep my baby sister quiet when we ride in the car....and while Mom cooks dinner. I try....but sometimes she just cries anyway. I like to play in the water, but not swim....and I love any kind of ball. I have always liked bikes, and motorcycles are cool, too. For some reason, I used to tell everyone that Jesus rode a bicycle....and I rode a motorcycle.  No one has ever figured out where I got that idea. I love to watch movies.  I can watch the same movie over and over and over....when they let me!!! I especially like movies with real people, like "Homeward Bound" and "Little Rascals". I love to sing. I can sing lots of songs. Right now, Britney Spears is my favorite person. I love her song "Oops I did it again".  When I sing the line "Oops I did it again....I'm not that innocent!", everyone laughs!! I haven't figured out why it is so funny, but I love to make people laugh....so I just keep singing!!!!


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